Thursday, February 15, 2007

Spring Awakening

I feel like I'm re-awakened.
Totally amazing.
Right now, I'm lost for words.
So much depth in every moment, in every song, and in every note.
Youthful, yet rooted in maturity. Sorrowful, yet pulsating radiance.
Out-dated, yet so in tune with the Now. Ugly, yet touched by shear beauty.
I'm touched.

More to follow...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've been eating the whole day. I don't know what it is, but I couldn't get enough. I think my body has decided that it'll cope with stress by eating. That's not good. I need to be svelte.

Not really. I need to exercise is all.

Work is stressful. Trying to buy a condo is stressful. The broker I'm working with seems to want me to make a quick decision. He's pressuring me! I might have to dump him if he doesn't lay off. So, today, I decided not to communicate with him. This buying process has to go my way, on my terms, my pace. I need to be comfortable with every decision I make. I don't really care if I lose out on a "dream" house, because I took my time. There's no such a thing as a "dream" house.

I don't know. Anyone out there from New York who's gone through this process for the very first time?

Hello? Anyone?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hard and Harder

It's only Monday, and if work were a rapist, I've been torn a new hole.
It's only been a day, and I've got three counter offers from three different condos. I'm not happy with any of them.

It's now Tuesday, I'm going to bed.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

To Make An Offer

I'm looking at four condo units in Williamsburg. I've made an offer for one. I will instruct my broker to make offers for the other three. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I'm tired. Being back at work after a week of lazing around sucks. Now, I'm tired.

I'm going to write down some random thoughts I had during the day:

While brushing my teeth, I noticed my nipples poking out of my T-shirt and thought, "I'm too sexy for this shirt."

While commuting home, I got bumped into by several people. Not just one, but several. I believed I was targeted somehow: "Do him harm" was on their minds when they walked towards me.

While chatting with a guy I messed around with a couple of months back, I kept on thinking, "he's bored with me," and got really insecure. I don't want to explore that any further, because I think I already know what I'll find.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Glorious Day

It's the new year. And I've a lot of things on my mind.

On new year's day it rained. Yet this morning, on this unusually warm winter's day, the sky is gloriously clear and blue. And I must admit, lately, I'm constantly having hunger pangs. Craving, not for food or for anything material, but for something immaterial. A spiritual hunger. I feel like I'm standing at a precipice. Do I jump or do I gape down for all time. I don't believe I should commit myself to inaction. The blue sky is calling me to soar high. It's time that I unwrap my wings and fly...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Movie Fest Continues

Today, I went and saw Will Smith's new movie, "The Pursuit of Happyness." It was totally inspiring and I was awed by Will's performance. If I can be an ounce like Chris Gardner, the main character in the movie, I'd be a better man.

In other news, I bought a new DVD player. Nothing too fancy. It'll do its job.

Tomorrow, I go skiing. Woohoo!