Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I've been eating the whole day. I don't know what it is, but I couldn't get enough. I think my body has decided that it'll cope with stress by eating. That's not good. I need to be svelte.

Not really. I need to exercise is all.

Work is stressful. Trying to buy a condo is stressful. The broker I'm working with seems to want me to make a quick decision. He's pressuring me! I might have to dump him if he doesn't lay off. So, today, I decided not to communicate with him. This buying process has to go my way, on my terms, my pace. I need to be comfortable with every decision I make. I don't really care if I lose out on a "dream" house, because I took my time. There's no such a thing as a "dream" house.

I don't know. Anyone out there from New York who's gone through this process for the very first time?

Hello? Anyone?

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